Teaching Practice

Information for Patients

We are a teaching practice and train doctors, nurses and medical students. On occasions, video recordings of consultations are made. Patient consent is obtained before the recording can take place. The recordings are strictly confidential and destroyed after use.

You will always be informed when someone in addition to your doctor or nurse is present and you have the opportunity to decline their presence should you wish. Usually we have a Registrar, who is a fully qualified Doctor completing their experience in general practice for a period of one year or more.

From time to time records may be reviewed by represenatives of the Deanery for audit and quality assessment purposes.

Please advise the Surgery if you wish to be excluded from this activity.
Trainer:  Dr. Tom Cunningham 
Sidney House Surgery & The Laurels surgeries
Tel: 01245 380324 Fax: 01245 381488


a person sitting on a table

Information for GP Specialist Trainees.

This three Partner Practice is in the heart of rural Essex working from two purpose built Surgeries and has been a training practice for over 25 years.    We currently have one educational Supervisor (Trainer), Dr Tom Cunningham.

We aim to map out with the Registrar an individual package to prepare them for the complexities of modern general practice. After an initial induction period the trainee will start seeing patients at 30 minute intervals with close support from their trainer. As the year progresses both the number and complexity of the consultations will increase at a rate determined by the trainee’s progress. There is a dedicated three hour tutorial every week and time is allowed to attend the local academic centre for the half day GP Specialist Training session. 

There are likely to be two or three trainees at any one time undertaking 6 - 18 month attachments.  The Practice has a large number of associated staff including Practice Nurses, Dispensers and Phlebotomists.

Boreham and Hatfield Peverel are two villages that lie just north of Chelmsford on the A12.  The villages are friendly and the Practice enjoys good support from its patients resulting in a rewarding work environment.  There are good transport links with Chelmsford, Colchester and London and excellent local schools and facilities.

The Practice has many years of experience of teaching and is committed to providing excellence both academically and clinically and we enjoy the stimulus of having trainees attached to the Practice.