Clinics We Offer

a hand holding a cellphone

Clinics & Services

Additional clinics and services are provided at the surgery by our own doctors, Practice nurses and other staff.

These include: 

  • Asthma and Diabetic Management
  • Cardiac Disease and Stroke Monitoring
  • Blood Pressure Monitoring
  • Cervical Screening
  • Family Planning
  • Children’s Immunisations

Other services are provided by Community Healthcare staff. These include Ante-natal and Health Visiting clinics and Child Health clinics.

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Asthma and COPD Clinic

These clinics are provided by specially trained Nurses to help you manage your Asthma or Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD).

They are intended for you to review your treatments, and ensure you are receiving the best care available.

On certain occasions specific testing of your condition might be undertaken using a Spirometer - a piece of equipment designed to measure the function of your lungs.

You will be called by letter to attend these clinics on a regular basis, but if you feel you would like to make an appointment to see the asthma nurses please contact reception.

a woman looking at the camera

Ante-natal Clinic

As of the week commencing 7th September 2020, the way that antenatal care is delivered will be changing. Ladies living in Boreham, Hatfield Peverel and surrounding areas will be caseloaded by the Sunflower Team Community Midwives.

Please contact the Community Midwives Office on 01245 513040 to arrange your antenatal appointments, which will be held in central Chelmsford.

Ladies living in Maldon, Witham, Wickham Bishops and surrounding areas may prefer to arrange their care with St Peter's Maternity Unit in Maldon, who can be contacted on 01621 725305 or 01621 725306.

If at any time you have questions regarding your pregnancy you can contact the Chelmsford Community Midwives office on 01245 513040. .

Newly pregnant ladies should please self- refer via

Urgent inquiries should be made to the Maternity Unit at Broomfield Hospital:
Day Assessment Unit 01245 513355 or Labour Ward 01245 513056/513057 (24 hr telephone line).

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Diabetic Clinic

These clinics are run by specially trained and accredited Nurses. The phlebotomy staff are also employed to take blood samples.

Clinics are intended for patients with diabetes to review their diabetes care and management with the nursing staff to ensure that they are receiving the best and most appropriate treatment available.  As well as advice about lifestyle management and general well-being there will be an opportunity to discuss other health conditions that may be affected by diabetes.

Patients with diabetes will be called regularly for reviews by letter, but Patients may also make an appointment to see the nurse at other times.

Please telephone reception.

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Family Planning Clinic

We currently offer a full range of family planning methods at our Practice.

Specialist nurses are available to discuss contraceptive methods and an appointment can be made during any of our routine Surgeries.

We have a number of GPs who can fit both hormone containing and copper coils.

We are also able to see patients who are not registered with us for coil fittings.

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INR Clinic

INR or anticoagulant clinics are held  at both surgeries. They are specifically for Patients taking the medicine Warfarin which requires regular testing to keep the levels within specific limits.

The testing and results are almost instantaneous so a decision about changes in dosage are made with the patient at the time of the clinic.

These clinics are by appointment only; please make your appointment with reception in plenty of time.

a person holding a baby

Child Development Clinic

Contact reception for details of clinic appointments.

Health Visiting

Health Visitors have regular clinics at the Practice. Please ask a member of the reception team for details.

Contact details:

  • Health Visitors for Boreham: Essex Child and Family Wellbeing Service. 8th Floor, Seac House, Victoria Road South, Essex CM1 1QH
  • Health Visitors for Hatfield Peveral: Carousel Childrens Centre, Chapel Hill, Braintree CM7 3QZ. Telephone: 01376 556863.
a woman looking at the camera

Learning Disability Clinic

This is an annual health check for adults with learning disabilities who need more health support and who may otherwise have health conditions that go undetected. The clinics are run by a nurse and a doctor and will involve being asked questions about your health and lifestyle. A physical examination including checking weight, heart rate, blood pressure and urine samples will be undertaken.

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If you would like help to stop smoking we would like to offer you our support.  The Boreham pharmacy can help with smoking cessation please contact them if you would like an appointment. 

We have attached a document below called The Benefits of Stopping Smoking which has some useful hints and tips to help you stop.  

Blood Test

Phlebotomy Clinics (Blood Tests)

We are able to offer appointments with our Phlebotomist at the surgeries.

Patient's may prefer to attend a community clinic at one of the following locations:

  • St Michael's (Braintree)
  • St Peter's (Maldon)
  • Broomfield Hospital
  • Christchurch (Chelmsford, New London Road)

To book an appointment at one of these clinics go online to or call 01245 516963