
Configure Appointment Details

Book An Appointment


  • Request a GP appointment online (Econsult)
  • Make an appointment for annual review online (SystmOnline)
  • Phone us Monday to Friday from 8am to 6.30pm (excluding bank holidays and training closures) Please note telephone calls might be recorded for quality and training purposes.
  • Visit the surgery and and speak with a receptionist Monday to Friday from 8am to 6.30pm (excluding bank holidays and training closures)

When you get in touch, our reception team will ask what you need help with. This will help us assess your needs and identify the most suitable doctor, nurse or health professional to help you.



Appointment Cancellations

You can cancel any appointment using the NHS APP, online services (SystmOnline) or via the link in your text reminder. If you fail to notify the Practice that you are unable to attend, you will be sent an SMS (text) message informing you that you have defaulted from your appointment. 


Cancel an Appointment online

Need Help With Appointment

Please tell us:

  • If you require an interpreter 
  • If there's a specific doctor, nurse or other health professional you would prefer to see. we will do our best to organise that but it won't always be possible
  • If you would prefer to consult with the doctor, nurse, health care professional face to face or telephone
  • If you have any other access or communication needs


Home Visits


Any request for a home visit must be received before 11am Monday to Friday, and be for housebound patients only

On occasion therefore, where we are unable to provide a suitable response to your request you may be advised to call 999 to seek emergency medical assistance, or be directed to a more appropriate resource. The decision to visit lies with the doctor after evaluating the problem.  Often a telephone call is made to the person requesting the visit either by a doctor or a nurse in order to gather further information.

Visit requests received in the morning are prioritised and undertaken between the hours of 1.00pm and 4.00pm. 


Please note that young children must be accompanied by a parent/guardian when attending for a consultation. If any child is brought to the surgery by another person (i.e. grandparent, nanny) then written consent, signed by a parent authorising medical treatment, will be required before a doctor or nurse can treat the child. 


If you would like a chaperone present during consultation or examination, then please let reception, your GP or nurse know.  

Click the link below for more information.


Enhanced Access to GP Services


PCNs are being asked to offer enhanced access appointments in the evenings and on Saturdays. Not all surgeries in the PCN will be able to offer appointments on the same days and times; it will vary between them.


When we asked our patients what they wanted from these appointments you said you wanted to be seen by us, at our surgery. You also wanted more GP appointments.


Working within the constraints of our current workforce, we will be offering:

Monday morning 7am-8am

  • Blood tests at Sidney House, Hatfield Peverel
  • Online pre-bookable GP telephone appointments

Tuesday morning 7am-8am

  • Online pre-bookable GP telephone appointments and minor illness telephone appointments with the Paramedic

Thursday morning 7am-8am

  • Blood tests at Sidney House, Hatfield Peverel

Thursday evening 6:30pm – 8:30pm

  • Pre-bookable telephone appointments with a Nurse Prescriber

Friday evenings

  • Pre-bookable telephone appointments with a GP


We may be able to offer more variety of appointments in the future, depending on staff availability.


Online Appointments

Online bookable appointments are specific and we have named them accordingly, hoping that patients will take care to book into the appropriate slots only.  If, however, patients book into a specific slot for anything other than what the slot is intended for, this may result in the clinician being unable to offer treatment.   Slots with "Telephone" in the wording are a telephone call from the clinician; the others are face to face appointments at one of the surgeries.  When you book online, the reminder SMS will tell you which surgery the appointment is at.    These new online appointments are available to book for up to 4 weeks in advance. We are hoping this will prove to be successful and will help patients who struggle to call us during normal hours.    


Clinician:                                   Appointment type:

Self Service:                          *Blood Pressure SELF Service ONLY - NO Clinician

Health Care Assistants:          *Blood Test Only (MUST have a blood request form)  *DIABETIC foot checks with bloods 

Nurse:                                   * Contraceptive Pill Review Only (in surgery) (pre-bookable)     *Cervical Smear Only (in surgery) (pre-bookable)

                                                     *IMMS & VACC (routine childhood immunisations) *Respiratory review telephone appointment only

Physiotherapist:                     *Telephone Call with Physiotherapist   (pre-bookable)

Pharmacist:                           *PCN - Review of Current Medication Only TEL apt